NeeBooFit Video: Lunges

Lunges are a fantastic exercise to increase your overall health.  By working large muscle groups, not only will you have increased stability, but you could rev up your metabolism as well.  Use our NeeBooFit Resistance Flat Bands to amp up the power behind your lunges as you work your hamstrings, glutes, quads, and calves.

  • Begin with a split stance, stepping on band with front foot.
  • Feet should be about 3 feet apart. Keep elbows at 90 degrees.
  • Slowly bend both knees to 90 degrees and then return to standing.
Tip: Perform this exercise slowly and with controlled motion to work muscles through the entire movement.

4 Reasons To Exercise While Traveling

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We’ve all experienced it. Travel can make you tired, cranky, and more prone to sickness. Fortunately, there’s a way to turn travel into a far more pleasant experience – with exercise! Keep your body moving daily when you travel and you’ll be reward with a far better trip. Here’s why:

1: Exercise helps maintain your energy levels.

It may seem counterintuitive, but regular exercise will boost your energy levels.  Research shows that exercise can fight fatigue, increase energy levels, and help maintain more constant energy throughout the day.  Plus, regular exercise will help you fall asleep faster and experience more restful sleep – a huge plus while traveling!

2:  Exercise will keep your digestion moving smoothly.

Travel can be a bit *ahem* rough on our digestive system, can’t it?  Strange food, unfamiliar water, and changes in schedule can throw our whole system off.  Exercise keeps your insides working properly and allows your digestive system to function at its best.  So while you may not want to go for a heart-revving cardio workout while you’re feeling queasy, a nice walk, gentle strength training, and some stretching will get you back to feeling like yourself in no time!

3: Exercise can give your immune system a boost!

Unfamiliar germs are everywhere when you travel!  So, give your immune system all the help it can get.  Regular exercise will allow your immune system to function at its best and you’ll reap the benefits as your body fights off all those foreign sicknesses.

4: Stick to your routine to continuing making progress towards your goals.

There’s nothing worse than coming home from vacation and feeling like you have to immediately make up for all the “fun” you just had.  Sure, we all eat more extravagantly while on vacation, but exercise while traveling will help offset your splurges.  If you’re working towards a fitness goal, don’t give up just while you’re traveling – exercise wherever you are and you’ll come home feeling top notch!


It’s easy to work out on-the-go with NeeBooFit!  Take a look at some of our products to find a set of resistance bands that will make it easy to exercise wherever you are.

Strong Arms with Resistance Bands

Summer’s heating up…are your arms ready for the season’s top looks?  Whether you’re rocking a halter bikini at the beach or a strapless dress at a backyard party, this 6-move workout from Fitness Magazine will get you the toned arms and sleek shoulders of your dreams.

Over on the Fitness Magazine website, Brynn Jinnett, the founder of the Refine Method studio in New York City, says, “Resistance bands are an easy, portable way to target more arm muscles simultaneously.”  Use our NeeBooFit Resistance Flat Band set to perform these exercises.  Our set includes four bands to get four different levels of resistance, so as you get stronger, you’re all set for the next step up.  Plus, our set includes a high-quality door anchor for even more exercise options.  So try out this complete arm workout today!

Goal Setting to Achieve Your Fittest Self

NeeBooFit - Goal Setting graphic

What’s your current fitness goal?  Are you trying to lose weight?  Gain strength? Become more flexible? Improve your overall health?  No matter what you’re striving towards, goal-setting can help you get there.

First, think about what you want to achieve.

Spend some time considering the specifics that are unique to you.  If you want to lose weight, how much?  Is there a clothing size you’d like to fit into?  Perhaps you’ve got a few new habits that you’d like to stick to…and a few more that you’d like to break!  Be specific and consider every facet of your wellness.

Next, write them down.

Writing down your goals can make them seem more concrete.  Once they’re out of your head and on paper, you’re one step closer to making them your reality.  Use positive, active language like “I will” versus “I wish.”

Then, split your overall goals into smaller, achievable parts.

Now that you’ve got your overall goals in mind, select a few and break them into achievable, specific benchmarks.  If you’d like to lose 30 pounds overall, set your first goal to be “Lose 5 pounds.”  If you’d like to improve your diet, your goal could be “Drink no soda for one month.”  By breaking goals into smaller, more attainable parts, you’ll maintain a sense of constant progress as you strive towards your overall goals.

Now, identify the tools, knowledge, and support you’ll need to achieve your goals.

You wouldn’t embark on a home repair project without a toolkit, so make sure you seek out everything you’ll need to achieve your fitness goals.  Resources are plentiful and widely available.  Analyze each goal to ensure you have everything you need.

Finally, make an action plan.

It’s important to work on your goals in a consistent manner.  Set a pace that you can maintain; it’s better to move at a slow and steady pace than to burn out quickly.  For example, if you’d like to build strength, don’t plan to work out every day.  Your muscles need time to recover and you’ll end up “skipping” a day because of soreness.  Instead, plan recovery days from the beginning and maintain your steady pace.

What are you current goals?  Share some of them with us here at NeeBooFit.  We work every day to develop products that help you achieve your goals.

NeeBooFit Video – Leg Press with Resistance Bands


Our flat bands can help you get a great leg workout. This leg press exercise will work your hamstrings, glutes, and quads as you extend your leg against the resistance of the flat band.


  • Lie on back, one leg bent and foot flat on floor, other leg bent to 90 degrees, and wrap band around foot.
  • Pull each side of band in hands, anchoring elbows into mat.
  • Slowly extend knee, pushing out into band.
  • Hold for a second or two.
  • Slowly return back start position.
  • Repeat with other leg.